I am feeling a level of exhaustion and fatigue that is somewhat unnerving. I literally feel like my body is full of lead. UGH. I hate it. But nothing to be done. I am just trying to get up and get going. I just feel so exhausted! I slept 10hrs. straight. I slept through my alarm! Hubby had to FIGHT to get me up. And when I did get up, it was with GREAT reluctance. I don't want to do anything but hold down the couch today. I know that isn't going to happen, but it's what I want.
But a lot is done. I wasn't able to do the flower bed bushes or the back bed, but I got a lot done. For one, I cleaned out one whole side of the garage. I wiped down things, took pics, and organized. I put that to the front near the garage door -- about half. I swept. Then I made two rows of things stacked to the ceiling. What were those things? All of the items packed up from the office and play room. YUP. I got almost all of that purged, packed, and staged! I even got the fridge stage ready! LOL Today, I need to do some painting that I didn't do yesterday because my hands were too numb and tired. They are better today after not so much wrist intense stuff. I have quite a bit to paint, but I think if I get to it, I can knock the most important stuff out. I also want to finish staging and decluttering both kid's rooms. Oldest's room is easy -- just need to clear his shelves some. Youngest's needs a desk moved and some toys packed up. I think I will do some painting and while that dries, get the rooms done. Not sure when I can do the steps -- the rain has yet to let up. So, I'm thinking it will have to happen Weds. That means Thurs. I will need to do the caulking. If I have time. I think she will come Thurs. to do pics if the weather holds.
So, I've been super busy. The goal is to tie up the upstairs today and do a few more things downstairs if I have time. I am worried about the downstairs, though. When we hired that contractor, he did some work downstairs. All of his work was shoddy. I have discovered that when he painted the door frames, he painted it straight on -- no sanding or primer. So, the paint just peels off. :/ I'm not sure what to do to fix it as we are out of time. I am so angry at that guy! I even TOLD him to sand it or use an adhesion primer! He did NEITHER! I think the only option is to sand it down and repaint. I'm not sure what else to do... I think I will run the sander over it and get off anything loose and then use a good quality primer. I hate to do it, but it looks awful. At least in my opinion.
So, I guess that is all for now. I need to get up and get going. If I can get in a good solid 8 or 9 hours of work, I should be able to knock out a huge chunk. Problem is, I think I will be good to get a couple of hours. :/ Just too darn tired. I'll just have to do what I can and be happy with that.
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