As I said in my last post, it's been a busy and crazy time here. I feel like it's been mayhem! Between phone calls, errands, projects, trips, etc. I'm just a wee bit fried. I've been trying to stay on top of things and get things done. I let my food/diet/exercise/health whatever you want to call it or all, fall to the side.
What has caused all of this?
Lack of a home. You see, hubby starts his job in two weeks and as of right this second, we have no home to go to. He has no where to stay. Our only option? Extended stay hotel. UGH. Originally we wanted to buy a temporary transition home to give us the chance to learn the area and find our 'dream' home, but we didn't find anything or it didn't work out. THEN, we decided, ok, we'll try the whole rental thing again. So far, no luck. UGH. Even if we were to re-home two of the cats. That would get us down to four and the max is 3. I CANNOT get rid of my son's cat. I WILL NOT let my cat go. The dogs are not an option. I think we could sneak a cat. BUT, the issue is NOTHING IS OPEN! Only one place has an opening mid April, but their max pet limit is 2. SO, that won't work. So right now, when hubby goes, it will be a hotel. I hate that for him. :( I know it is going to be hard. Not having a 'home sweet home' to come home to is hard. He says he will be fine, and I'm sure he will be, but I worry. We even looked into doing a smaller place so he would feel more stable, but then we are locked into that lease. *SIGH*
On a good note, we talked to a Realtor and she seemed really positive that our goal was reasonable to list soon and that the price we were thinking/hoping was good. Her feedback on the house and the design and all of that was very positive, too! So, we hope to list and sell in a timely manner. My only real concern is she said her fee was 6%. I thought that in TN, the fee was 6% total split between the two. That may be what she meant, but I think I will ask her to clarify. Just to be safe. 6% split is still a lot, but Realtors work hard to make that money. They don't make much, compared to time spent, when you buy. They really make their money when they sell. And if she can get it sold pretty fast, I'm up for it! She will have earned it! But if it is 6/6... I'm not sure we can do that. That eats HARD into our planned down payment money for the next house. The money for the hotel is going to eat in hard enough! We are going to continue to think on that and work the numbers. If we could find a one bedroom with few fees, I think we could work that. Even if we had to fulfill the lease terms, it would be barely twice the cost of the hotel. It would give us somewhere to take some of our stuff and a place to stay while we house hunted. The pets are a sore spot, but we will just have to work something out.
Anyways, we are just hoping and praying that we are doing the right things. We keep praying for guidance and then something happens and I really feel like God is going, "Yup. Here's your sign!" So, I'm just going to keep faith and keep going on. Not much else to do!
On that note, I should probably get off of here. I've gotten these posts done and by the time you read this, they will be posted. I updated my items for sale on FB. So now, I need to get to work on my list of things 'To Do'. The list is LOOOOOOONG. But I just need to jump in and do it. Every thing I get done is one more thing off of the list. One more step forward. One less hurdle, I hope. So, off I go.
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