Saturday, February 25, 2012

This week

This week has been pretty busy!  Hubby has been off and the week has passed with running around, doing things for the house, and all in all just trying to get things DONE.  It seems like we've been in motion for days and at night... well, we're in motion then, too!  Then we pass out.  ;)  LOL  Anyways, it's just been a busy week and we're trying to make progress.  Today is going to be more stuff as soon as I get this done and youngest goes down for nap.  I wish we were ready to do some work outside -- it's suppose to be nice out the next few days and would be perfect for working on that little stretch of wooded area, but we really need to get some things done inside.  I guess we'll just open up some windows and get to it and leave the yard for another day.  I have a feeling we will be doing LOTS of outdoor stuff this summer!  LOTS!  Geez... just realized it's really windy out today.  Maybe it's good we aren't going to be working outside....

My weight this AM was 192.5 which was a bit annoying.  Yesterday was 191.5 and the two days before that 192.0.  I realized earlier in the week that I wouldn't get under 190 this week, but I was hoping to at least see 191 flat.  But at this rate, I don't know what is going to happen... I do think dinner was a bit salty last night, but I know I was right on with cals so I know it's not a true gain.  Just not sure if it will slide off in time for my 'official' weekly weigh-in.  I just realized yesterday, too, that I will have another week to try to get under 190, though.  For some reason, I was thinking this was the last week and it's next Sunday since today is the 25th and since this is leap year, there are 4 more days.  That works out pretty good for me, I guess!  Gives me another week to lose a bit more weight.  I hope to have a good weigh-in tomorrow and next Sunday.  If I could lose just my 1lb. each one, I'd be at 3.5 for the month.  Which isn't huge, but is still good.  Like I've said before, I know it wouldn't be enough for many people, but I'd rather do this than do nothing or gain.

I think hubby is getting frustrated with low carb, though.  He lost around 10lbs., but hasn't really moved any since.  And he still has about another 10lbs. he'd like to lose.  He says he isn't sure what he's doing wrong, but I honestly think he's eating too much fat.  He eats a LOT of PB and cheese.  And even though that stuff is allowed on Atkins and filling, too much can slow you down.  I haven't really said anything, but I did say to him today that I thought maybe he should watch his cals. and just see where he's at.  I'm not saying he should switch, just that he should get a rough idea of what he's doing on cals.  I think he would see that he is consuming a large portion of his low carb allowance in fat.  Even the original Atkins diet suggested only consuming a certain amount.  And he's over that.  I think the extra fat cals are what is holding him back.  You see, the real glory of low carb is that the protein mixed with fat is what fills you up.  Keeping you from eating too many non-filling cals from carbs.  Your body has to work harder to burn those types of cals so you end up losing.  That's all it is.  Which is why even now I still try to get a great many of my cals in the form of protein, veg., and fruit.  But I tell you, I do still have my share of carbs.  I just would rather have my carbs in something I REALLY love versus BS ones that are just there to fluff stuff out.  It can be hard at times.  But there are times I use them to fill gaps that otherwise would make my meals too small.  I do still have fat, too.  Real fat.  I don't really use anything fat free.  Not a fan.  I use real oil and real butter.  Well, except on certain things... like toast.  I use Smart Balance butter.  It's the only sub thing I use.  Everything else though, is real.  I'd rather have a smaller serving or real sour cream or real mayo than to use the filled stuff.  They fill it full of sugar and sodium to attempt to give it taste.  No thank you!  I'll just use less!

Anyways, I think if he checked his fat and cals, he'd see he's going too high on those and that's why the low carb isn't working.  Too many dense cals to burn through.  He said he very well may watch them over the next couple of days just to see what happens.

Well, I need to get off of here and get to doing my stuff for the day.  It is almost 1 and nap time is right around the corner.  I already have the kitchen cleaned, but I need to do a few other things so that once youngest is down, I can do the things I really need to get done.  Hope everyone has had a fab weekend so far and that the rest is just as fun!  I will post (even if brief) tomorrow for my weigh-in.  :)


  1. Omg! I'm so excited!! Your heading into the 180s ZONE!! :D YAY!

  2. 180 is just around the corner!!!!! You can do it!


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