Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Plan of Attack

So, vacay is over, my period is almost over, and the house is pretty much back together and we are getting somewhat back on schedule.  I know I still need to post on vacay and I know that we've been slowed down some by my youngest contracting Roseola.  But things are moving on as they always do.  But now, now I am at a new point and I have to make some decisions and choose my path.  The problem is, I don't know what I want to do.  *sigh*

Yes, yes, yes.  I feel like I'm at a road block.  I'm not sure why.  I just seem to do this once in a while and usually it passes in a few weeks, but I feel like I've been sitting here for a while now.  Bleh.  I don't know why... but I need to figure out what I want and how I am going to get there.  I know I need to get back to counting calories and back on a formal workout plan.  I've been doing walking and swimming as I mentioned before, and all the normal things, but not the formal stuff.  So, I need to figure it all out and decide where to go from here.  From my lowest recorded weight of 178, I'd say I need to lose another 30lbs.  Maybe only 25.  I'm just not sure.  I use to think that the low 150's was it, but now I wonder should I go lower?  I think clothing size and how I feel will be the biggest factors and those are the things I will have to cross when I get there.  Anyways, now I just gotta get myself in gear and do it.

Other branches of my plans for the year have been going pretty well.  We've done some organizing, some purging, some projects, and family time plus one on one time.  So, good progress -- but always room for improvement.  We've had a few set-backs too.  But such is life.  But I feel I need to make some new goals at this point in these areas, too.  So much to think on.  So much.  But it's good.  I think now is a good point since we are literally halfway through the year.  LOL  Funny how it has worked out that way!!!  My goal then, is to work on NEW goals and new methods of progression to cover the next part of the year.  I'm not sure how long it will take me, but I am hoping only a few days.  I think it's time to go back and look over the progress of the last 6mos.

Yup yup.  I've lost 13.5lbs. so far this year and lost some inches, too.  So, I probably need to update everything.  I should do a few pics, re-do my measurements, and do a fresh weigh-in.  Yup yup. 

Ok, not going to ramble on and on tonight.  Going to ponder these things and then I'll be back in a day or so.  :D

1 comment:

  1. Great progress this year. I've backtracked in terms of weight but it's nothing that I can't reverse :)

    I'm starting anew in June with fresh eyes and newly found motivation. Good luck with your re-evaluation and goal-setting!

    As for red meat, my boyfriend prefers chicken and normally we don't eat a lot of red meat in the house anyway but my brother loves it. We're going to cut back on it this summer (also for budget reasons too :)


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