Saturday, February 18, 2012

All Day

I guess this will probably be one of those posts that takes me ALL DAY to get done.  Mostly because, well, I am going to TRY to knock out some housework today if my kiddos don't fight me too much.  I plan on dusting again, doing pots (ours have to be hand washed), and running the vacuum.  Picking up is an everyday thing, so I will do that, too.  And then if I can muster up the gumption, I'm going to try to get at least 3 loads of laundry done.  Then ironing while my youngest naps.  Oldest is REALLY into anything button down or with a collar, so those need to be ironed.  UGH.  Thankfully it's not all the time, just after so many washes they start to curl at the bottom.  And I am thinking that if I would wash them on gentle and then hang up when lightly damp, I wouldn't even have to do it hardly at all.  But sometimes I need to get things clean and I just don't stop to think on it.  Not that it will kill me to iron, I just don't love it.  Hopefully I can do it now and not have to do it again until the end of the season!  LOL

I already did the kitchen this AM.  I had breakfast, chilled with the kiddos and watched a movie, then cleaned it up.  I still need to do a few things in there like take down some trash, some pantry items, and other whatnots, but I will take all of it down when nappy time comes.  Too hard to do it now... although, he's somewhat playing right now with oldest so I may be able to get a few things down in a few minutes.  I just wanted to sit for a bit, drink some more coffee, blog a bit, and rest my arm.  I twirked my shoulder yesterday and it hurts pretty darn bad.  So, I want to try to do things in spurts so as to not over-do.  So far, so good!  I just hope it clears up soon.  BLEH.  But I will live and go on.

Weight this AM was 192.5 and I am thankful for that.  Last night was a rough night.  We had planned on a family day so we went out and ran 2 errands and then tried for the movies.  We went VERY early and to the cheap theater in hopes that it wouldn't be crowded.  We succeeded!  But by the end of the movie, youngest was being a handful and we were happy to get out of there.  But then older got ugly and wouldn't go to eat.  So, we came home and had to fight with them to get in bed and I was fried after.  Nights like last night make me wonder why I have kids!  But then I think back on all the good stuff... and then times like this morning cuddling and watching a movie.  They're worth it even if they drive me nuts at times.  I just have to keep remembering that no matter how much they get on my nerves, that this time will pass and that I am so very thankful to have them.  For a long time, I was told my chances of conceiving were slim.  So, to have two healthy kids is really a blessing and in the day to day grind, I tend to forget that.

Anyways, in the rush of the evening, I ate what I felt was too much.  Mostly in the form of popcorn.  I took a snack but we got popcorn and I knew from the movie style popcorn we had at home how many cals were in it.  So I had that, some Cheez-Its (Hot & Spicey!) and one cookie that I also knew the info for.  Plus a diet Coke.  I figured my weight would be up from the sodium!  But I DID drink a ton of water earlier in the day and then even when I got home.  Then once we got the kiddos down, we had Mexican.  I stuck mostly to lean meat, veggies, and their salad, but I figured I'd still be up.  So, to be the same I am VERY happy.  No dessert last night other than a hot chocolate.  That's somewhere around 100 cals, I believe.  So, maybe not having a heavy lunch and skipping dessert paid off.  I'm really hopeful that the scale will go down some more by tomorrow.  Just got to stay on track.  I know I need to today, but I hope I can keep it up for a while.  I'd like for February and March to be really good.  I know it started off slow since I had some issues at the end of January, but I'd like to go through both months with some really good results!  I know it's a lot to ask of my body, but I'd love to see 191.5 tomorrow.  I really had needed to lose 5lbs. this month to get me back on track.  More if I had wanted to be ahead.  But I would be really happy with anything at this point, I believe!  LOL  I'm allowed to be hopeful, though, right???  I can hope for 2 so I'm only off by 3!  And then another 2 the next week would be nice... then I'm only off 1 for the month...  I guess we will see.

I guess I need to get off of here and get back to doing stuff.  I need to check a couple of blogs (I'm behind... AGAIN), weather, and then back to housework.  Busy busy busy!  And crap.  I just remembered I need to fix one of our accounts.  I think I will wait and do that tomorrow.  Can't do much with it over the weekend, but I wanted to go over it and see where I stand.  Heh.  I got this typed out quick!  Guess I will go and get to it.  Take care ladies!

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