Friday, November 30, 2012

Just realized...

I just realized that I started a blog a week ago and never finished it.  It was the blog where I talked about finishing up the back of the house!  Although, it didn't get finished completely but it is now mostly done!  We hope to do a bit more tomorrow if the weather and illness permit.  My youngest has croup.  When they say they sound like they are 'barking', they are NOT kidding.  He sounds like a sea lion!  It's pitiful.  :/  Anyways, what we have left is the fencing for the dog run (we have it, it's just not up), the gates, and the last of the carport.  We were short 2 2x4x8's and 2 pieces of Ondura.  Hubby will be off soon and I hope that everything cooperates so we can at least get this carport done.  I'd like to get the gates and dog run done, too!  But a lot will depend on the weather and if we're sick.  Seems like we've been sick non-stop.  It's frustrating!  We haven't gotten much shopping done, youngest has missed lots of his gym class, and we are behind on so much.  And me, well, I'm just tired all of the time!  LOL  But by being tired, I'm not being productive.  That's an issue.  I need to be being productive!  Like today, I've not done much but sit on this pute.  Ok, not TOTALLY true...

OK!  Started this days ago and have worked on it off and on, and STILL didn't finish.  I'm trying to keep up, but man alive... I'm not doing well.  I will be honest here -- I'm struggling through the days.  I realized the other night that I hadn't paid bills this week.  I'm just all messed up!  I'm running on fumes here, folks.  I'm tired, burned out, and getting all antsy.  I think between illness, the holiday madness, lack of date night and me time, I'm just getting all mixed up.  I guess it's time I took some time for me after all is said and done.  We are having date night tonight, illness is hopefully clearing up, and the holiday mess is much better since we ordered a VAST majority of our Christmas stuff online.  For date night, we're going shopping to hopefully knock some more, maybe dinner, and maybe something fun.  Hopefully we can do a little of all of those!  We thought about going for massages, but I'm not sure that we will have the time.  But I tell you, we need the time out.  We've been trying to run around and do things with the kiddos and they are driving us CRAZY.  I love them, but a short trip anywhere is tripled in time due to having to answer 50 questions, stop to gather them up, put things back, fuss at them for fighting, or any other numerous things.  I swear, we went to HD (Home Depot) and what should've been a quick in and out trip took about an hour and a half.  MISERABLE.  I know it's boring for them, but dang alive.  I wish kids realized that if they would just cooperate for a few minutes we'd be done and out!

Anyways, weighed in and I was 184.5.  That was a day or so ago and not much has changed.  I guess I did darn good during Turkey Day!  Well, other than swelling.  And I think that was from the time I spent on my feet.  I'm normally on my feet quite a bit anymore, but during that time, I only remember sitting once for a snack and then at night.  Hubby said I was pushing myself pretty hard, but it didn't feel like it at the time.  Looking back, I guess I probably did.  But it was fun!

Well, I'm going to end this on a good note now and head on out.  We have some work to do and so I need to get to it.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!  I will hopefully post tomorrow.  LOL

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