Saturday, January 12, 2013

After Midnight

It's after midnight, and it has finally gotten quiet in my house.  I think that MAYBE my youngest has given up and gone to sleep.  MAYBE.  I hear no toys banging and no wall kicking.  That's a good sign.  I should be getting ready for bed but I've been trying to wind down while checking on him and answering calls.... errr... texts.  Seems my friends are bored and decided to text me late at night.  LOL  I miss some of my friends so much.  But due to life, we're all over the place.  It sucks, but there isn't much that can be done.  I can't move all over the place at once, so I have to make due with phone calls, occasional visits, and Facebook.  It's really the only reason I HAVE a FB account.  I'd miss so much without it.  I miss so much already.

 Anyways, today has been a good and productive day.  Food has been spot on again, I stayed busy most of today, AND I worked on a project!  I didn't finish it, but I started.  My project, is a blanket.  I got the fleece for my oldest kiddo and told him I was going to finish it.  But before I could, he snatched it and has been sleeping with it!  So, I snagged it back and started the work on it.  It has been trimmed up, visually squared, and the yarn has been clipped.  I also started some of the knots.  Progress!  Here's some pics...

That's right -- Star Wars!  He loves Star Wars ANYTHING right now so I got this to go in his room as his back up to his Angry Birds.  Can you imagine his utter happiness when Angry Birds Star Wars came out?  Guess what that kiddo got for Christmas?  YUP.  ALL FRICKIN' SIX OF THE STAR WARS 5" PLUSH!  I'm surrounded!  Anyways, this is the fleece that I must say, was CRAZY cheaper than buying a pre-made bound blanket.  About a quarter of the price if I remember right.  You read that right!  So, I trimmed off the edges and rolled them under and got to work.  You literally roll the edge and in this second pic, you can see that I have fed the black yarn through with a large tooth plastic needle and double knotted it.  Now, this is not the method I used for the other blanket I did for my niece.  I used what I think is called a hoop knot.  This is a single thread double knot.  It takes more time and is simpler, but I feel like its better for a boys blanket.  I could've backed the blanket and did a traditional knotted fleece blanket, but felt that was too... babyish, I guess.  So, I decided on this one!  I hope to finish it this weekend and that he loves it.

Overall, like I said, I've had a good and productive day.  The only downer was this AM I reminded myself to get on the scale and saw.... 191.5.  HUH?  I was really surprised with that.  Even with Aunt Flow on the way, I really thought that I would be back in the 180's by this weekend since I was doing so well food wise and then getting back in the groove today with staying busy.  No formal workouts, but staying busy.  But I'm not going to let it get at me.  No point.  Just going to keep going on and use it as motivation to get back to working out!  I need to do it and I keep putting it off.  Although at least my reasons like an injury and then no access are pretty good, I could've been doing SOMETHING.  No more excuses -- working out tomorrow. 

Well, I guess that is it ladies and gents other than the routine thing.  I'm trying, but now my youngest is sleeping weird again so I'm just going to go with it.  Better to go with the flow and be mellow than drive myself batty and stress out.  I'll make due with it and just go on.  Besides, they are only little once and I want to remind myself of that because one day, they will both be all grown up and not care one whit about Momma.  And then by the time they do again, I'll be an old lady!  :O  LOL  That's it!  Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. I love the idea of making a fleece blanket. I really want to learn how to be better at home economics. I have cooking, baking and cleaning down. I just need to learn how to sew, mind, crochet, and knit like my mom.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Fleece blankets are so simple and cute. I think they are perfect for kiddos because there are so many neat prints on fleece these days.


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