Saturday, February 16, 2013


I am feeling very sluggish today.  It's after noon and I have yet to pull myself off of the couch other than to get coffee.  UGH.  Not feeling it today.  I just feel worn out!  I keep trying to have down days, but stuff keeps coming up and well... its catching up to me.  But it's ok, I'd rather be busy and be with my family than to be bored and alone.  Don't get me wrong, I love me some alone time, but I loves me some family time, too!  And seeing all of my nieces and nephews and my 'rents and then some quality V-day time with everyone was so worth it.  SO SO SO worth it!  But I'm just so tired now.  I've only gotten one workout in this week and that isn't good.  Granted, I've done tons of walking, but nothing "planned".  I am going to try to get in a bike ride and some good stretching this afternoon.  Hopefully tomorrow, too, will be some sort of exercise.  I need to get 3 days a week.  I'm really thinking of making a designated time for working out.  I'm pretty good about getting 3 days and sometimes 4, but last week was only 2 and this week will probably only be 3.  Huh.  I guess I'd like to get closer to 4!  Who knew?  I really do enjoy my workout time -- when the kids aren't screaming and fighting.  LOL

On another front, I am thinking of working on a project today.  With everything going on, I haven't been getting anything done on that front and I would really like to finish some up.  The one I am thinking of spending some time on is oldest's blanket.  Its half done so I need to finish it.  Then I need to go through my sewing project pile and decide what I am going to do with some pieces.  I was going to repair a huge rip in the hubbies fave loungers, but he is saying now to just chuck them.  I have a few stuffed animal repairs (damn cat!), and to finish a dress or two.  Plus another blanket that I am thinking of finishing and selling.  Youngest no longer wants it.  :/  I also have several other things I need to do but the list is so long and I know this is something I can do today.  It is now starting to sprinkle and rain off and on, so I'm sorta glad I stayed home.  But next week, I will have to suck it up and run errands.  Like, REAL errands.  I do sorta wish youngest was in a MDO program.  UGH.

4 slices of toast -- 240
2tbsp. butter -- 100
4tbsp. strawberry spread -- 160
Coffee -- 0
 Breakfast total -- 500
I'm doing this the morning after and I can't remember if I had 3 or 4 slices of toast... So, I wrote down 4.

Chicken Noodle soup (2) -- 160
15 multigrain crackers -- 130
Water and tea -- 5
Lunch total -- 295

1 cupcake -- 225
Coffee -- 0
Snack Total -- 225

1 glass of white wine -- 150
3.5oz filet -- 215
green beans -- 18
1 slice of bread w/butter -- 150
1/2 smores dessert --355
Coffee -- 0
Dinner/dessert total -- 888

Today's Total -- 1908

Heh.  Pretty good for date night!  I ALSO got in 48mins. of biking.  :)  I feel pretty good about my day.  And I am pretty sure this number is a bit high since I can't remember at breakfast and at dinner I am pretty positive I didn't eat the full servings of stuff but like I've said before, better to round up.  Good day!  :D


  1. Hey, looks like you gave your blog a face lift!

    1. Yup yup. I was bored and playing with it last night since my oldest was up sick. I hope I don't happen to get bored tonight -- I'd rather be sleeping!


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