Sunday, April 20, 2014

Tricky Tricky

UGH.  Weight is tricky tricky sometimes!  This AM, I decided to check my weight again since my cycle had dropped off a lot yesterday.  So, I did.  178.0.  ???  I'm guessing my body let go of some water weight.  YAY!  I'm happy with that.  That means that I'm pretty much right on for what MFP says I should be losing.  A little more than half a pound a week.  Which means that I probably won't make it close to the 160's by vacay.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  One part of me is like, it's ok.  Slow and steady remember?  But another part of me is like, enough of this already!  Let's get it done and get to the 160's!  I'm not sure which one to listen to.  I can see the benefits on both sides. 

Today is Easter and I am so grateful just to be waking up.  But I am sad that we don't have a church family.  We moved here and found one rather quickly.  Then it fell apart and well... I've not put forth the effort to find a new one.  I really should.  But then again, if we end up moving again... Yeah.  I just feel like my kiddos are missing out on some important stuff.  And while I know they may grow up and feel differently about God than I do, I want them to know Him and grow up with Him before they decide.  It's just difficult to find a church where I feel comfortable.  Things at our old church just got ugly and then it was hard for me to go.  I'm not sure what things are like there, now.  We haven't really been back. 

So, what are we doing today?  Well, we've already done the Easter baskets so I'm not sure.  Hubby had to work today, so he isn't here.  I would love to say we're going to visit and hang with family and celebrate Jesus, but we aren't.  It's probably going to end up being just another day for us sadly.  I admit, these are the times that things are hard for me.  It's hard for me not having friends/family close by.  I keep seeing all of our friends and neighbors with their families and well... I get sorta sad.  My parents could come up if they wanted, but they didn't.  And none of our friends invited us for anything.  We didn't plan anything since Michael was working.  So, I guess we will just hang here together.  Because truthfully, we don't need any of that to be thankful or happy.  As long as we are together, safe, healthy, and happy, that is what is important.  I just don't know what we are going to do.  I guess maybe I could work on the yard or something since it is nice out.  My bushes need to be trimmed, weeds need to be pulled... I could also do some painting... Painting is sounding sorta good since it really needs to be done so we can treat the house.  Maybe that is what I should work on... I would really like the outside of the house to be done and tidy this year. 

AND, I just found a product to do my porch with!  AND, it should only be $100.  AND, I think I will use it on my sidewalk, too!  :D  I had seen it before but didn't realize you could buy it at the local HD.  WHOOP!  Now I REALLY want to get outside and get some work done!  Ok, going to bring this to an end and get to work.  This yard work and paint isn't going to do itself.  LOL

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