Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I completely forgot to weigh this morning.  I got to sleep in.  So when I got up, the siren song of the coffee called to me and I was snarfing bacon, toast, and coffee before I even thought.  Oops!  Oh well, no biggie to miss one day.  I have a few days recorded already and I'll take it.  I really am a creature of habit.  LOL  I guess that's the only issue with a freezer/pantry challenge -- eating the things up that you've stockpiled even if you aren't in the habit of eating them! 

On the subject of the pantry and freezer challenge, I think we're doing darn well.  We haven't been out to eat since last week some time.  We've been eating at home.  And the last trip to Costco was only $126.  Which included 2 bags of food for the animals.  The grain free food is pricey, but we've noticed such a difference in our dog that we did the same for the cats.  It's unreal the change in the cats!  The urine and feces smell is so much reduced!  Not to mention, the litter box takes longer to fill.  It's been an excellent transition.  It was worth it to reduce the itching for our Woofer.  He was flat out miserable.  Anyways, I would say that was nearly $50 to $60.  Yes, costly.  BUT, we buy it less often!  And like I said with the smell and other issues so reduced, WORTH IT!  So, on food, that was mostly just fresh items.  Around $60 to $80.  Not bad!  Yesterday we made a batch of beef short ribs but we still have about 3lbs. of that left in the freezer.  I'm having to be somewhat creative though.  Some of the stuff in the freezer isn't... well... great.  I froze some grapes to eat as snacks.  And they just don't taste as good as I remember frozen grapes tasting.  So, I was trying to think of some way to use them other than a smoothie.  But I'm guessing that is the best option.  I've just  not been in a smoothie mood.

On an somewhat related topic, I've drastically reduced my usage of artificial sweeteners.  I'm not anti-artificial sweeteners.  But I had bought a few of the 'more natural' ones and I have been using those instead of the other.  Which is not only reducing cost (the Stevia is a liquid and goes a LONG way), but is also helping to clean out some of the pantry!  HA!  Hubby hates all of the 'fake' sweeteners except for the Sweet 'N Low.  He will drink drinks with the other, but for coffee that is all he likes.  Since he doesn't use much of the artificial stuff, it's fine.  We've both cut way back on the fake either way and that's nice.  All things in moderation or as treats.  :)

Now on a completely different topic, have I mentioned how much I am loving, loving, LOVING my new cabinets?  Ok, newly refinished?  They are looking so darn good!  I can't wait to get the rest of the doors done and up!  WEEEEE!  I am going to work on it some more today.  I have a couple of things to sand and then I'm going to get a coat of primer on there.  Then going to finish the other doors.  Then go back and put a second coat of primer so all of that can dry tonight and possibly tomorrow.  All that is left to do is the big pantry doors and the island stuff.  :)  If I can get those past the primer stage, just the final sanding and paint will be to do!  And with the other doors done and up, that should be much easier.  Although, a day will be lost to put the garage back in order.  With all of the work, it is starting to become a mess again. 

UGH.  Why is that?  Why does the house have to fall apart to get better?  That's how it is with all things, I guess.  So be it.  it's fine.  I'll live!  Maybe.  LOL  I need to do some house work today and then get to it before long.  I should get to it soon if I am to get it all done.  So, off I go.  Until later!

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